Wednesday, October 2, 2013


#requires -version 2
Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 - Exchange Server Health Check Script.
Performs a series of health checks on Exchange servers and DAGs
and outputs the results to screen, and optionally to log file, HTML report,
and HTML email.
Use the ignorelist.txt file to specify any servers, DAGs, or databases you
want the script to ignore (eg test/dev servers).
Results are output to screen, as well as optional log file, HTML report, and HTML email
Perform a health check of a single server
Set to $true to generate a HTML report. A default file name is used if none is specified.
Allows you to specify a different HTML report file name than the default. Implies -reportmode:$true
Sends the HTML report via email using the SMTP configuration within the script. Implies -reportmode:$true
Only sends the email report if at least one error or warning was detected.
Writes a log file to help with troubleshooting.
Checks all servers in the organization and outputs the results to the shell window.
.\Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 -Server HO-EX2010-MB1
Checks the server HO-EX2010-MB1 and outputs the results to the shell window.
.\Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 -ReportMode -SendEmail
Checks all servers in the organization, outputs the results to the shell window, a HTML report, and
emails the HTML report to the address configured in the script.
Written By: Paul Cunningham
Additional Credits:
- Chris Brown,
- Ingmar Brückner
- John A. Eppright

Change Log
V1.00, 5/07/2012 - Initial version
V1.01, 5/08/2012 - Minor bug fixes and removed Edge Tranport checks
V1.02, 5/05/2013 - A lot of bug fixes, updated SMTP to use Send-MailMessage, added DAG health check.
V1.03, 4/08/2013 - Minor bug fixes
V1.04, 19/08/2013 - Added Exchange 2013 compatibility, added option to output a log file, converted many
     sections of code to use pre-defined strings, fixed -AlertsOnly parameter, improved summary
     sections of report to be more readable and include DAG summary
V1.05, 23/08/2013 - Added workaround for Test-ServiceHealth error for Exchange 2013 CAS-only servers
param (
 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]
 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]
 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]
 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]

# Variables
$now = Get-Date           #Used for timestamps
$date = $now.ToShortDateString()      #Short date format for email message subject
[array]$exchangeservers = @()       #Array for the Exchange server or servers to check
[int]$transportqueuehigh = 100       #Change this to set transport queue high threshold
[int]$transportqueuewarn = 80       #Change this to set transport queue warning threshold
$mapitimeout = 10          #Timeout for each MAPI connectivity test, in seconds
$pass = "Green"
$warn = "Yellow"
$fail = "Red"
$ip = $null
[array]$serversummary = @()        #Summary of issues found during server health checks
[array]$dagsummary = @()        #Summary of issues found during DAG health checks
[array]$report = @()
[bool]$alerts = $false
[array]$dags = @()          #Array for DAG health check
[array]$dagdatabases = @()        #Array for DAG databases
[int]$replqueuewarning = 8        #Threshold to consider a replication queue unhealthy
$dagreportbody = $null
$myDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# Modify these Variables (optional)
$reportemailsubject = "Exchange Server Health Report"
$ignorelistfile = "$myDir\ignorelist.txt"
$logfile = "$myDir\exchangeserverhealth.log"
# Modify these Email Settings
$smtpsettings = @{
 To =  ""
 From = ""
 Subject = "$reportemailsubject - $now"
 SmtpServer = ""
# Logfile Strings
$logstring0 = "====================================="
$logstring1 = " Exchange Server Health Check"
# Initialization Strings
$initstring0 = "Initializing..."
$initstring1 = "Loading the Exchange Server PowerShell snapin"
$initstring2 = "The Exchange Server PowerShell snapin did not load."
$initstring3 = "Setting scope to entire forest"
# Error/Warning Strings
$string0 = "Server is not an Exchange server. "
$string1 = "Server is not reachable. "
$string3 = "------ Checking"
$string4 = "Could not test service health. "
$string5 = "required services not running. "
$string6 = "Could not check queue. "
$string7 = "Public Folder database not mounted. "
$string8 = "Skipping Edge Transport server. "
$string9 = "Mailbox databases not mounted. "
$string10 = "MAPI tests failed. "
$string11 = "Mail flow test failed. "
$string12 = "No Exchange Server 2003 checks performed. "
$string13 = "Server not found in DNS. "
$string14 = "Sending email. "
$string15 = "Done."
$string16 = "------ Finishing"
$string17 = "Unable to retrieve uptime. "
$string18 = "Ping failed. "
$string19 = "No alerts found, and AlertsOnly switch was used. No email sent. "
$string20 = "You have specified a single server to check"
$string21 = "Couldn't find the server $server. Script will terminate."
$string22 = "The file $ignorelistfile could not be found. No servers, DAGs or databases will be ignored."
$string23 = "You have specified a filename containing a list of servers to check"
$string24 = "The file $serverlist could not be found. Script will terminate."
$string25 = "Retrieving server list"
$string26 = "Removing servers in ignorelist from server list"
$string27 = "Beginning the server health checks"
$string28 = "Servers, DAGs and databases to ignore:"
$string29 = "Servers to check:"
$string30 = "Checking DNS"
$string31 = "DNS check passed"
$string32 = "Checking ping"
$string33 = "Ping test passed"
$string34 = "Checking uptime"
$string35 = "Checking service health"
$string36 = "Checking Hub Transport Server"
$string37 = "Checking Mailbox Server"
$string38 = "Ignore list contains no server names."
$string39 = "Checking public folder database"
$string40 = "Public folder database status is"
$string41 = "Checking mailbox databases"
$string42 = "Mailbox database status is"
$string43 = "Offline databases: "
$string44 = "Checking MAPI connectivity"
$string45 = "MAPI connectivity status is"
$string46 = "MAPI failed to: "
$string47 = "Checking mail flow"
$string48 = "Mail flow status is"
$string49 = "No active DBs"
$string50 = "Finished checking server"
$string51 = "Skipped"
$string52 = "Using alternative test for Exchange 2013 CAS-only server"
$string60 = "Beginning the DAG health checks"
$string61 = "Could not determine server with active database copy"
$string62 = "mounted on server that is activation preference"
$string63 = "unhealthy database copy count is"
$string64 = "healthy copy/replay queue count is"
$string65 = "(of"
$string66 = ")"
$string67 = "unhealthy content index count is"
$string68 = "DAGs to check:"
$string69 = "DAG databases to check"

# Functions
#This function is used to generate HTML for the DAG member health report
Function New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell()
 param( $lineitem )

 $htmltablecell = $null

 switch ($($line."$lineitem"))
  $null { $htmltablecell = "<td>n/a</td>" }
  "Passed" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""pass"">$($line."$lineitem")</td>" }
  default { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($line."$lineitem")</td>" }

 return $htmltablecell
#This function is used to generate HTML for the server health report
Function New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell()
 param( $lineitem )

 $htmltablecell = $null

 switch ($($reportline."$lineitem"))
  "Pass" {$htmltablecell = "<td class=""pass"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>"}
  "Warn" {$htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>"}
  "Access Denied" {$htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>"}
  "Fail" {$htmltablecell = "<td class=""fail"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>"}
        "Could not test service health. " {$htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>"}
  "Unknown" {$htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>"}
  default {$htmltablecell = "<td>$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>"}

 return $htmltablecell
#This function is used to write the log file if -Log is used
Function Write-Logfile()
 param( $logentry )
 $timestamp = Get-Date -DisplayHint Time
 "$timestamp $logentry" | Out-File $logfile -Append
#This function is used to test service health for Exchange 2013 CAS-only servers
Function Test-E15CASServiceHealth()
 param ( $e15cas )

 $e15casservicehealth = $null
 $servicesrunning = @()
 $servicesnotrunning = @()
 $casservices = @(
 try {
  $servicestates = @(Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $e15cas -Class Win32_Service -ErrorAction STOP | where {$casservices -icontains $_.Name} | select name,state,startmode)
  if ($Log) {Write-Log $_.Exception.Message}
  Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
  $e15casservicehealth = "Fail"

 if (!($e15casservicehealth))
  $servicesrunning = @($servicestates | Where {$_.StartMode -eq "Auto" -and $_.State -eq "Running"})
  $servicesnotrunning = @($servicestates | Where {$_.Startmode -eq "Auto" -and $_.State -ne "Running"})
  if ($($servicesnotrunning.Count) -gt 0)
   Write-Verbose "Service health check failed"
      Write-Verbose "Services not running:"
      foreach ($service in $servicesnotrunning)
          Write-Verbose "- $($service.Name)"
   $e15casservicehealth = "Fail"
   Write-Verbose "Service health check passed"
   $e15casservicehealth = "Pass"
 return $e15casservicehealth
# Initialize
#Log file is overwritten each time the script is run to avoid
#very large log files from growing over time
if ($Log) {
 $timestamp = Get-Date -DisplayHint Time
 "$timestamp $logstring0" | Out-File $logfile
 Write-Logfile $logstring1
 Write-Logfile "  $now"
 Write-Logfile $logstring0
Write-Host $initstring0
if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $initstring0}
#Add Exchange 2010 snapin if not already loaded in the PowerShell session
if (!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name -eq "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010"}))
 Write-Verbose $initstring1
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $initstring1}
  Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction STOP
  #Snapin was not loaded
  Write-Verbose $initstring2
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $initstring2}
  Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
 . $env:ExchangeInstallPath\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1
 Connect-ExchangeServer -auto -AllowClobber

#Set scope to include entire forest
Write-Verbose $initstring3
if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $initstring3}
if (!(Get-ADServerSettings).ViewEntireForest)
 Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

# Script
#Check if a single server was specified
if ($server)
 #Run for single specified server
 [bool]$NoDAG = $true
 Write-Verbose $string20
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string20}
  $exchangeservers = Get-ExchangeServer $server -ErrorAction STOP
  #Exit because single server name was specified and couldn't be found in the organization
  Write-Verbose $string21
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string21}
  Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
elseif ($serverlist)
 #Run for a list of servers in a text file
 [bool]$NoDAG = $true
 Write-Verbose $string23
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string23}
        $tmpservers = @(Get-Content $serverlist -ErrorAction STOP)
  $exchangeservers = @($tmpservers | Get-ExchangeServer)
  #Exit because file could not be found
        Write-Verbose $string24
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string24}
  Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
 #This is the list of servers, DAGs, and databases to never alert for
        $ignorelist = @(Get-Content $ignorelistfile -ErrorAction STOP)
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string28}
  if ($Log) {
   if ($($ignorelist.count) -gt 0)
    foreach ($line in $ignorelist)
     Write-Logfile "- $line"
    Write-Logfile $string38
  Write-Warning $string22
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string22}
 #Get all servers
 Write-Verbose $string25
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string25}
 $tmpservers = @(Get-ExchangeServer | sort site,name)

 #Remove the servers that are ignored from the list of servers to check
 Write-Verbose $string26
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string26}
 foreach ($tmpserver in $tmpservers)
  if (!($ignorelist -icontains $
   $exchangeservers = $exchangeservers += $tmpserver.identity
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string29}
 if ($Log) {
  foreach ($server in $exchangeservers)
   Write-Logfile "- $server"
### Begin the Exchange Server health checks
Write-Verbose $string27
if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string27}
foreach ($server in $exchangeservers)
 Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "$string3 $server"
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string3 $server"}

 #Find out some details about the server
  $serverinfo = Get-ExchangeServer $server -ErrorAction Stop
  Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $_.Exception.Message}
  $serverinfo = $null
 if ($serverinfo -eq $null )
  #Server is not an Exchange server
  Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $string0
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string0}
 elseif ( $serverinfo.IsEdgeServer )
  Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $string8
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string8}
  #Server is an Exchange server, continue the health check
  #Custom object properties
  $serverObj = New-Object PSObject
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Server" -Value $server
  $site = ($"/")
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Site" -Value $site[-1]
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "DNS" -Value $null
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Ping" -Value $null
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Uptime (hrs)" -Value $null
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Version" -Value $null
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Roles" -Value $null
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Client Access Server Role Services" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Hub Transport Server Role Services" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mailbox Server Role Services" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Unified Messaging Server Role Services" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Transport Queue" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Queue Length" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "PF DBs Mounted" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "MB DBs Mounted" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mail Flow Test" -Value "n/a"
  $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "MAPI Test" -Value "n/a"
  #Check server name resolves in DNS
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string30}
  Write-Host "DNS Check: " -NoNewline;
   $ip = @([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($server).AddressList | Select-Object IPAddressToString -ExpandProperty IPAddressToString)
   Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $_.Exception.Message
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $_.Exception.Message}
   $ip = $null
  if ( $ip -ne $null )
   Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass "Pass"
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string31}
   $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "DNS" -Value "Pass" -Force
   #Is server online
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string32}
   Write-Host "Ping Check: " -NoNewline;
   $ping = $null
    $ping = Test-Connection $server -Quiet -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $_.Exception.Message
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $_.Exception.Message}
   switch ($ping)
    $true {
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass "Pass"
     $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Ping" -Value "Pass" -Force
     if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string33}
    default {
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail "Fail"
     $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Ping" -Value "Fail" -Force
     $serversummary += "$server - $string18"
     if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string18}
   #Uptime check, even if ping fails
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string34}
   [int]$uptime = $null
   $laststart = $null
    $laststart = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeconverter]::ToDateTime((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $server -ErrorAction Stop).LastBootUpTime)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $_.Exception.Message
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $_.Exception.Message}
            Write-Host "Uptime (hrs): " -NoNewline
   if ($laststart -eq $null)
    [string]$uptime = $string17
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string17}
    switch ($ping)
                 $true { $serversummary += "$server - $string17" }
     default { $serversummary += "$server - $string17" }
    [int]$timespan = (New-TimeSpan $laststart $now).TotalHours
    [int]$uptime = "{0:N0}" -f $timespan
    Switch ($uptime -gt 23) {
        $true { Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass $uptime }
        $false { Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $uptime }
        default { Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $uptime }
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "Uptime is $uptime hours"}
   $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Uptime (hrs)" -Value $uptime -Force
   if ($ping -or ($uptime -ne $string17))
    #Determine the friendly version number
    $ExVer = $serverinfo.AdminDisplayVersion
    Write-Host "Server version: " -NoNewline;
    if ($ExVer -like "Version 6.*")
     $version = "Exchange 2003"
    if ($ExVer -like "Version 8.*")
     $version = "Exchange 2007"
    if ($ExVer -like "Version 14.*")
     $version = "Exchange 2010"
    if ($ExVer -like "Version 15.*")
     $version = "Exchange 2013"
    Write-Host $version
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "Server is running $version"}
    $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Version" -Value $version -Force
    if ($version -eq "Exchange 2003")
     Write-Host $string12
     if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string12}
     $report = $report + $serverObj
    #START - Exchange 2013/2010/2007 Health Checks
    if ($version -ne "Exchange 2003")
     Write-Host "Roles:" $serverinfo.ServerRole
     if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "Server roles: $($serverinfo.ServerRole)"}
     $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Roles" -Value $serverinfo.ServerRole -Force
     $IsEdge = $serverinfo.IsEdgeServer 
     $IsHub = $serverinfo.IsHubTransportServer
     $IsCAS = $serverinfo.IsClientAccessServer
     $IsMB = $serverinfo.IsMailboxServer
     #START - General Server Health Check
     #Skipping Edge Transports for the general health check, as firewalls usually get
     #in the way. If you want to include them, remove this If.
     if ($IsEdge -ne $true)
      #Service health is an array due to how multi-role servers return Test-ServiceHealth status
      if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string35}
                        $servicehealth = @()
      $e15casservicehealth = @()
      try {
       $servicehealth = @(Test-ServiceHealth $server -ErrorAction Stop)
      catch {
       #Workaround for Test-ServiceHealth problem with CAS-only Exchange 2013 servers
       #More info:
       if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*There are no Microsoft Exchange 2007 server roles installed*")
        if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string52}
        $e15casservicehealth = Test-E15CASServiceHealth($server)
        $serversummary += "$server - $string4"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $string4 ":" $_.Exception
        if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $_.Exception}
                             $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Client Access Server Role Services" -Value $string4 -Force
                       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Hub Transport Server Role Services" -Value $string4 -Force
                       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mailbox Server Role Services" -Value $string4 -Force
                       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Unified Messaging Server Role Services" -Value $string4 -Force
      if ($servicehealth)
       foreach($s in $servicehealth)
        $roleName = $s.Role
        Write-Host $roleName "Services: " -NoNewline;
        switch ($s.RequiredServicesRunning)
         $true {
          $svchealth = "Pass"
          Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass "Pass"
         $false {
          $svchealth = "Fail"
          Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail "Fail"
          $serversummary += "$server - $rolename $string5"
                                    default {
          $svchealth = "Warn"
          Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn "Warning"
          $serversummary += "$server - $rolename $string5"
        switch ($s.Role)
         "Client Access Server Role" { $serverinfoservices = "Client Access Server Role Services" }
         "Hub Transport Server Role" { $serverinfoservices = "Hub Transport Server Role Services" }
         "Mailbox Server Role" { $serverinfoservices = "Mailbox Server Role Services" }
         "Unified Messaging Server Role" { $serverinfoservices = "Unified Messaging Server Role Services" }
        if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$serverinfoservices status is $svchealth"}
        $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name $serverinfoservices -Value $svchealth -Force
      if ($e15casservicehealth)
       $serverinfoservices = "Client Access Server Role Services"
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$serverinfoservices status is $e15casservicehealth"}
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name $serverinfoservices -Value $e15casservicehealth -Force
       Write-Host $serverinfoservices ": " -NoNewline;
       switch ($e15casservicehealth)
        "Pass" { Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass "Pass" }
        "Fail" { Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail "Fail" }
     #END - General Server Health Check
     #START - Hub Transport Server Check
     if ($IsHub)
      $q = $null
      if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string36}
      Write-Host "Total Queue: " -NoNewline;
      try {
       $q = Get-Queue -server $server -ErrorAction Stop
      catch {
       $serversummary += "$server - $string6"
       Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $string6
       Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string6}
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $_.Exception.Message}
      if ($q)
       $qcount = $q | Measure-Object MessageCount -Sum
       [int]$qlength = $qcount.sum
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Queue Length" -Value $qlength -Force
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "Queue length is $qlength"}
       if ($qlength -le $transportqueuewarn)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass $qlength
        $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Transport Queue" -Value "Pass" -Force
       elseif ($qlength -gt $transportqueuewarn -and $qlength -lt $transportqueuehigh)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $qlength
        $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Transport Queue" -Value "Warn" -Force
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail $qlength
        $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Transport Queue" -Value "Fail" -Force
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Transport Queue" -Value "Unknown" -Force
     #END - Hub Transport Server Check
     #START - Mailbox Server Check
     if ($IsMB)
      if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string37}
      #Get the PF and MB databases
      [array]$pfdbs = @(Get-PublicFolderDatabase -server $server -status -WarningAction SilentlyContinue)
      [array]$mbdbs = @(Get-MailboxDatabase -server $server -status | Where {$_.Recovery -ne $true})
                        if ($version -ne "Exchange 2007")
          [array]$activedbs = @(Get-MailboxDatabase -server $server -status | Where {$_.MountedOnServer -eq ($serverinfo.fqdn)})
                            [array]$activedbs = $mbdbs
      #START - Database Mount Check
      #Check public folder databases
      if ($pfdbs.count -gt 0)
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string39}
       Write-Host "Public Folder databases mounted: " -NoNewline;
       [string]$pfdbstatus = "Pass"
       [array]$alertdbs = @()
       foreach ($db in $pfdbs)
        if (($db.mounted) -ne $true)
         $pfdbstatus = "Fail"
         $alertdbs += $
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "PF DBs Mounted" -Value $pfdbstatus -Force
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string40 $pfdbstatus"}
       if ($alertdbs.count -eq 0)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass $pfdbstatus
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail $pfdbstatus
        $serversummary += "$server - $string7"
        Write-Host "Offline databases:"
        foreach ($al in $alertdbs)
         Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail `t$al
      #Check mailbox databases
      if ($mbdbs.count -gt 0)
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string41}
       [string]$mbdbstatus = "Pass"
       [array]$alertdbs = @()
       Write-Host "Mailbox databases mounted: " -NoNewline;
       foreach ($db in $mbdbs)
        if (($db.mounted) -ne $true)
         $mbdbstatus = "Fail"
         $alertdbs += $
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "MB DBs Mounted" -Value $mbdbstatus -Force
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string42 $mbdbstatus"}
       if ($alertdbs.count -eq 0)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass $mbdbstatus
        $serversummary += "$server - $string9"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail $mbdbstatus
        Write-Host $string43
        if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string43}
        foreach ($al in $alertdbs)
         Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail `t$al
         if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "- $al"}
      #END - Database Mount Check
      #START - MAPI Connectivity Test
      if ($activedbs.count -gt 0 -or $pfdbs.count -gt 0 -or $version -eq "Exchange 2007")
       [string]$mbdbstatus = "Pass"
       [array]$alertdbs = @()
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string44}
       Write-Host "MAPI connectivity: " -NoNewline;
       foreach ($db in $mbdbs)
        $mapistatus = Test-MapiConnectivity -Database $db.Identity -PerConnectionTimeout $mapitimeout
                                if ($mapistatus.Result.Value -eq $null)
                                    $mapiresult = $mapistatus.Result
                                    $mapiresult = $mapistatus.Result.Value
                                if (($mapiresult) -ne "Success")
         $mbdbstatus = "Fail"
         $alertdbs += $
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "MAPI Test" -Value $mbdbstatus -Force
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string45 $mbdbstatus"}
       if ($alertdbs.count -eq 0)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass $mbdbstatus
        $serversummary += "$server - $string10"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail $mbdbstatus
        Write-Host $string46
        if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string46}
        foreach ($al in $alertdbs)
         Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail `t$al
         if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "- $al"}
      #END - MAPI Connectivity Test
      #START - Mail Flow Test
      if ($version -eq "Exchange 2013")
       #Skip mail flow tests for now due to bug
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string47}
       Write-Host "Mail flow test: Skipped"
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mail Flow Test" -Value $string51 -Force
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string51}
      elseif ($activedbs.count -gt 0 -or ($version -eq "Exchange 2007" -and $mbdbs.count -gt 0))
       $flow = $null
       $testmailflowresult = $null
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string47}
       Write-Host "Mail flow test: " -NoNewline;
        $flow = Test-Mailflow $server -ErrorAction Stop
        $testmailflowresult = $_.Exception.Message
        if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $_.Exception.Message}
       if ($flow)
        $testmailflowresult = $flow.testmailflowresult
        if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string48 $testmailflowresult"}
       if ($testmailflowresult -eq "Success")
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $pass $testmailflowresult
        $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mail Flow Test" -Value "Pass" -Force
        $serversummary += "$server - $string11"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fail $testmailflowresult
        $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mail Flow Test" -Value "Fail" -Force
       Write-Host "Mail flow test: No active mailbox databases"
       $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mail Flow Test" -Value $string49 -Force
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string49}
      #END - Mail Flow Test
     #END - Mailbox Server Check
    #END - Exchange 2013/2010/2007 Health Checks
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string50 $server"}
    $report = $report + $serverObj
    #Server is not reachable and uptime could not be retrieved
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $string1
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string1}
    $serversummary += "$server - $string1"
    $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Ping" -Value "Fail" -Force
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string50 $server"}
    $report = $report + $serverObj
   Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Fail "Fail"
   Write-Host -ForegroundColor $warn $string13
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string13}
   $serversummary += "$server - $string13"
   $serverObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "DNS" -Value "Fail" -Force
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile "$string50 $server"}
   $report = $report + $serverObj
### End the Exchange Server health checks

### Begin DAG Health Report
#Check if -Server or -Serverlist parameter was used, and skip if it was
if (!($NoDAG))
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string60}
 Write-Verbose "Retrieving Database Availability Groups"
 #Get all DAGs
 $tmpdags = @(Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Status)
 $tmpstring = "$($tmpdags.count) DAGs found"
 Write-Verbose $tmpstring
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
 #Remove DAGs in ignorelist
 foreach ($tmpdag in $tmpdags)
  if (!($ignorelist -icontains $
   $dags += $tmpdag
 $tmpstring = "$($dags.count) DAGs will be checked"
 Write-Verbose $tmpstring
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
 if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string68}
 if ($Log) {
  foreach ($dag in $dags)
   Write-Logfile "- $dag"
if ($($dags.count) -gt 0)
 foreach ($dag in $dags)
  #Strings for use in the HTML report/email
  $dagsummaryintro = "<p>Database Availability Group <strong>$($dag.Name)</strong> Health Summary:</p>"
  $dagdetailintro = "<p>Database Availability Group <strong>$($dag.Name)</strong> Health Details:</p>"
  $dagmemberintro = "<p>Database Availability Group <strong>$($dag.Name)</strong> Member Health:</p>"
  $dagdbcopyReport = @()  #Database copy health report
  $dagciReport = @()   #Content Index health report
  $dagmemberReport = @()  #DAG member server health report
  $dagdatabaseSummary = @() #Database health summary report
  $dagdatabases = @()   #Array of databases in the DAG
  $tmpstring = "---- Processing DAG $($dag.Name)"
  Write-Verbose $tmpstring
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
  $dagmembers = @($dag | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Servers | Sort-Object Name)
  $tmpstring = "$($dagmembers.count) DAG members found"
  Write-Verbose $tmpstring
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
  #Get all databases in the DAG
  $tmpdatabases = @(Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | Where-Object {$_.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup -eq $dag.Name} | Sort-Object Name)
  foreach ($tmpdatabase in $tmpdatabases)
   if (!($ignorelist -icontains $
    $dagdatabases += $tmpdatabase
  $tmpstring = "$($dagdatabases.count) DAG databases will be checked"
  Write-Verbose $tmpstring
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
  if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string69}
  if ($Log) {
   foreach ($database in $dagdatabases)
    Write-Logfile "- $database"
  foreach ($database in $dagdatabases)
   $tmpstring = "---- Processing database $database"
   Write-Verbose $tmpstring
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
   #Custom object for Database
   $objectHash = @{
    "Database" = $database.Identity
    "Mounted on" = "Unknown"
    "Preference" = $null
    "Total Copies" = $null
    "Healthy Copies" = $null
    "Unhealthy Copies" = $null
    "Healthy Queues" = $null
    "Unhealthy Queues" = $null
    "Lagged Queues" = $null
    "Healthy Indexes" = $null
    "Unhealthy Indexes" = $null
   $databaseObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $objectHash
   $dbcopystatus = @($database | Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus)
   $tmpstring = "$database has $($dbcopystatus.Count) copies"
   Write-Verbose $tmpstring
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
   foreach ($dbcopy in $dbcopystatus)
    #Custom object for DB copy
    $objectHash = @{
     "Database Copy" = $dbcopy.Identity
     "Database Name" = $dbcopy.DatabaseName
     "Mailbox Server" = $null
     "Activation Preference" = $null
     "Status" = $null
     "Copy Queue" = $null
     "Replay Queue" = $null
     "Replay Lagged" = $null
     "Truncation Lagged" = $null
     "Content Index" = $null
    $dbcopyObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $objectHash
    $tmpstring = "Database Copy: $($dbcopy.Identity)"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    $mailboxserver = $dbcopy.MailboxServer
    $tmpstring = "Server: $mailboxserver"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    $pref = ($database | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ActivationPreference | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq $mailboxserver}).Value
    $tmpstring = "Activation Preference: $pref"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    $copystatus = $dbcopy.Status
    $tmpstring = "Status: $copystatus"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    [int]$copyqueuelength = $dbcopy.CopyQueueLength
    $tmpstring = "Copy Queue: $copyqueuelength"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    [int]$replayqueuelength = $dbcopy.ReplayQueueLength
    $tmpstring = "Replay Queue: $replayqueuelength"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    $contentindexstate = $dbcopy.ContentIndexState
    $tmpstring = "Content Index: $contentindexstate"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}   
    #Checking whether this is a replay lagged copy
    $replaylagcopies = @($database | Select -ExpandProperty ReplayLagTimes | Where-Object {$_.Value -gt 0})
    if ($($replaylagcopies.count) -gt 0)
                 [bool]$replaylag = $false
                 foreach ($replaylagcopy in $replaylagcopies)
         if ($replaylagcopy.Key -eq $mailboxserver)
          $tmpstring = "$database is replay lagged on $mailboxserver"
       Write-Verbose $tmpstring
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
          [bool]$replaylag = $true
       [bool]$replaylag = $false
             $tmpstring = "Replay lag is $replaylag"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}   
    #Checking for truncation lagged copies
    $truncationlagcopies = @($database | Select -ExpandProperty TruncationLagTimes | Where-Object {$_.Value -gt 0})
    if ($($truncationlagcopies.count) -gt 0)
                 [bool]$truncatelag = $false
                 foreach ($truncationlagcopy in $truncationlagcopies)
         if ($truncationlagcopy.Key -eq $mailboxserver)
          $tmpstring = "$database is truncate lagged on $mailboxserver"
       Write-Verbose $tmpstring
       if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}      
       [bool]$truncatelag = $true
       [bool]$truncatelag = $false
             $tmpstring = "Truncation lag is $truncatelag"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mailbox Server" -Value $mailboxserver -Force
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Activation Preference" -Value $pref -Force
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value $copystatus -Force
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Copy Queue" -Value $copyqueuelength -Force
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Replay Queue" -Value $replayqueuelength -Force
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Replay Lagged" -Value $replaylag -Force
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Truncation Lagged" -Value $truncatelag -Force
    $dbcopyObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Content Index" -Value $contentindexstate -Force
    $dagdbcopyReport += $dbcopyObj
   $copies = @($dagdbcopyReport | Where-Object { ($_."Database Name" -eq $database) })
   $mountedOn = ($copies | Where-Object { ($_.Status -eq "Mounted") })."Mailbox Server"
   if ($mountedOn)
    $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mounted on" -Value $mountedOn -Force
   $activationPref = ($copies | Where-Object { ($_.Status -eq "Mounted") })."Activation Preference"
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Preference" -Value $activationPref -Force
   $totalcopies = $copies.count
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Total Copies" -Value $totalcopies -Force
   $healthycopies = @($copies | Where-Object { (($_.Status -eq "Mounted") -or ($_.Status -eq "Healthy")) }).Count
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Healthy Copies" -Value $healthycopies -Force
   $unhealthycopies = @($copies | Where-Object { (($_.Status -ne "Mounted") -and ($_.Status -ne "Healthy")) }).Count
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Unhealthy Copies" -Value $unhealthycopies -Force
   $healthyqueues  = @($copies | Where-Object { (($_."Copy Queue" -lt $replqueuewarning) -and (($_."Replay Queue" -lt $replqueuewarning)) -and ($_."Replay Lagged" -eq $false)) }).Count
         $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Healthy Queues" -Value $healthyqueues -Force
   $unhealthyqueues = @($copies | Where-Object { (($_."Copy Queue" -ge $replqueuewarning) -or (($_."Replay Queue" -ge $replqueuewarning) -and ($_."Replay Lagged" -eq $false))) }).Count
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Unhealthy Queues" -Value $unhealthyqueues -Force
   $laggedqueues = @($copies | Where-Object { ($_."Replay Lagged" -eq $true) -or ($_."Truncation Lagged" -eq $true) }).Count
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Lagged Queues" -Value $laggedqueues -Force
   $healthyindexes = @($copies | Where-Object { ($_."Content Index" -eq "Healthy") }).Count
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Healthy Indexes" -Value $healthyindexes -Force
   $unhealthyindexes = @($copies | Where-Object { ($_."Content Index" -ne "Healthy") }).Count
   $databaseObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Unhealthy Indexes" -Value $unhealthyindexes -Force
   $dagdatabaseSummary += $databaseObj
  #Get Test-Replication Health results for each DAG member
  foreach ($dagmember in $dagmembers)
   $memberObj = New-Object PSObject
   $memberObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Server" -Value $($dagmember.Name)
   $tmpstring = "---- Checking replication health for $($dagmember.Name)"
   Write-Verbose $tmpstring
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
   $replicationhealth = $dagmember | Invoke-Command {Test-ReplicationHealth}
   foreach ($healthitem in $replicationhealth)
    $tmpstring = "$($healthitem.Check) $($healthitem.Result)"
    Write-Verbose $tmpstring
    if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $tmpstring}
    $memberObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name $($healthitem.Check) -Value $($healthitem.Result)
   $dagmemberReport += $memberObj
  #Generate the HTML from the DAG health checks
  if ($SendEmail -or $ReportFile)
   ####Begin Summary Table HTML
   $dagdatabaseSummaryHtml = $null
   #Begin Summary table HTML header
   $htmltableheader = "<p>
       <th>Mounted on</th>
       <th>Total Copies</th>
       <th>Healthy Copies</th>
       <th>Unhealthy Copies</th>
       <th>Healthy Queues</th>
       <th>Unhealthy Queues</th>
       <th>Lagged Queues</th>
       <th>Healthy Indexes</th>
       <th>Unhealthy Indexes</th>
   $dagdatabaseSummaryHtml += $htmltableheader
   #End Summary table HTML header
   #Begin Summary table HTML rows
   foreach ($line in $dagdatabaseSummary)
    $htmltablerow = "<tr>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td><strong>$($line.Database)</strong></td>"
    #Warn if mounted server is still unknown
    switch ($($line."Mounted on"))
     "Unknown" {
      $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Mounted on")</td>"
      $dagsummary += "$($line.Database) - $string61"
     default { $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Mounted on")</td>" }
    #Warn if DB is mounted on a server that is not Activation Preference 1
    if ($($line.Preference) -gt 1)
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line.Preference)</td>"
     $dagsummary += "$($line.Database) - $string62 $($line.Preference)"
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line.Preference)</td>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Total Copies")</td>"
    #Show as info if health copies is 1 but total copies also 1,
             #Warn if healthy copies is 1, Fail if 0
    switch ($($line."Healthy Copies"))
     0 {$htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Healthy Copies")</td>"}
     1 {
      if ($($line."Total Copies") -eq $($line."Healthy Copies"))
       $htmltablerow += "<td class=""info"">$($line."Healthy Copies")</td>"
       $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Healthy Copies")</td>"
     default {$htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Healthy Copies")</td>"}
    #Warn if unhealthy copies is 1, fail if more than 1
    switch ($($line."Unhealthy Copies"))
     0 { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Unhealthy Copies")</td>" }
     1 {
      $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Unhealthy Copies")</td>"
      $dagsummary += "$($line.Database) - $string63 $($line."Unhealthy Copies") $string65 $($line."Total Copies") $string66"
     default {
      $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Unhealthy Copies")</td>"
      $dagsummary += "$($line.Database) - $string63 $($line."Unhealthy Copies") $string65 $($line."Total Copies") $string66"
    #Warn if healthy queues + lagged queues is less than total copies
    #Fail if no healthy queues
    if ($($line."Total Copies") -eq ($($line."Healthy Queues") + $($line."Lagged Queues")))
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Healthy Queues")</td>"
     $dagsummary += "$($line.Database) - $string64 $($line."Healthy Queues") $string65 $($line."Total Copies") $string66"
     switch ($($line."Healthy Queues"))
      0 { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Healthy Queues")</td>" }
      default { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Healthy Queues")</td>" }
    #Fail if unhealthy queues = total queues
    #Warn if more than one unhealthy queue
    if ($($line."Total Queues") -eq $($line."Unhealthy Queues"))
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Unhealthy Queues")</td>"
     switch ($($line."Unhealthy Queues"))
      0 { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Unhealthy Queues")</td>" }
      default { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Unhealthy Queues")</td>" }
    #Info for lagged queues
    switch ($($line."Lagged Queues"))
     0 { $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Lagged Queues")</td>" }
     default { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""info"">$($line."Lagged Queues")</td>" }
    #Pass if healthy indexes = total copies
    #Warn if healthy indexes less than total copies
    #Fail if healthy indexes = 0
    if ($($line."Total Copies") -eq $($line."Healthy Indexes"))
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Healthy Indexes")</td>"
     $dagsummary += "$($line.Database) - $string67 $($line."Unhealthy Indexes") $string65 $($line."Total Copies") $string66"
     switch ($($line."Healthy Indexes"))
      0 { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Healthy Indexes")</td>" }
      default { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Healthy Indexes")</td>" }
    #Fail if unhealthy indexes = total copies
    #Warn if unhealthy indexes 1 or more
    #Pass if unhealthy indexes = 0
    if ($($line."Total Copies") -eq $($line."Unhealthy Indexes"))
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Unhealthy Indexes")</td>"
     switch ($($line."Unhealthy Indexes"))
      0 { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Unhealthy Indexes")</td>" }
      default { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Unhealthy Indexes")</td>" }
    $htmltablerow += "</tr>"
    $dagdatabaseSummaryHtml += $htmltablerow
   $dagdatabaseSummaryHtml += "</table>
   #End Summary table HTML rows
   ####End Summary Table HTML
   ####Begin Detail Table HTML
   $databasedetailsHtml = $null
   #Begin Detail table HTML header
   $htmltableheader = "<p>
       <th>Database Copy</th>
       <th>Database Name</th>
       <th>Mailbox Server</th>
       <th>Activation Preference</th>
       <th>Copy Queue</th>
       <th>Replay Queue</th>
       <th>Replay Lagged</th>
       <th>Truncation Lagged</th>
       <th>Content Index</th>
   $databasedetailsHtml += $htmltableheader
   #End Detail table HTML header
   #Begin Detail table HTML rows
   foreach ($line in $dagdbcopyReport)
    $htmltablerow = "<tr>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td><strong>$($line."Database Copy")</strong></td>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Database Name")</td>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Mailbox Server")</td>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Activation Preference")</td>"
    Switch ($($line."Status"))
     "Healthy" { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Status")</td>" }
     "Mounted" { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Status")</td>" }
     "Failed" { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Status")</td>" }
     "FailedAndSuspended" { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Status")</td>" }
     "ServiceDown" { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Status")</td>" }
     "Dismounted" { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""fail"">$($line."Status")</td>" }
     default { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Status")</td>" }
    if ($($line."Copy Queue") -lt $replqueuewarning)
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Copy Queue")</td>"
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Copy Queue")</td>"
    if (($($line."Replay Queue") -lt $replqueuewarning) -or ($($line."Replay Lagged") -eq $true))
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Replay Queue")</td>"
     $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Replay Queue")</td>"
    Switch ($($line."Replay Lagged"))
     $true { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""info"">$($line."Replay Lagged")</td>" }
     default { $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Replay Lagged")</td>" }
    Switch ($($line."Truncation Lagged"))
     $true { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""info"">$($line."Truncation Lagged")</td>" }
     default { $htmltablerow += "<td>$($line."Truncation Lagged")</td>" }
    Switch ($($line."Content Index"))
     "Healthy" { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($line."Content Index")</td>" }
     default { $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($line."Content Index")</td>" }
    $htmltablerow += "</tr>"
    $databasedetailsHtml += $htmltablerow
   $databasedetailsHtml += "</table>
   #End Detail table HTML rows
   ####End Detail Table HTML
   ####Begin Member Table HTML
   $dagmemberHtml = $null
   #Begin Member table HTML header
   $htmltableheader = "<p>
        <th>Cluster Service</th>
        <th>Replay Service</th>
        <th>Active Manager</th>
        <th>Tasks RPC Listener</th>
        <th>TCP Listener</th>
        <th>DAG Members Up</th>
        <th>Cluster Network</th>
        <th>Quorum Group</th>
        <th>File Share Quorum</th>
        <th>DB Copy Suspended</th>
        <th>DB Initializing</th>
        <th>DB Disconnected</th>
        <th>DB Log Copy Keeping Up</th>
        <th>DB Log Replay Keeping Up</th>
   $dagmemberHtml += $htmltableheader
   #End Member table HTML header
   #Begin Member table HTML rows
   foreach ($line in $dagmemberReport)
    $htmltablerow = "<tr>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td><strong>$($line."Server")</strong></td>"
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "ClusterService")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "ReplayService")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "ActiveManager")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "TasksRPCListener")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "TCPListener")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "DAGMembersUp")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "ClusterNetwork")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "QuorumGroup")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "FileShareQuorum")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "DBCopySuspended")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "DBInitializing")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "DBDisconnected")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "DBLogCopyKeepingUp")
    $htmltablerow += (New-DAGMemberHTMLTableCell "DBLogReplayKeepingUp")
    $htmltablerow += "</tr>"
    $dagmemberHtml += $htmltablerow
   $dagmemberHtml += "</table>
  #Output the report objects to console, and optionally to email and HTML file
  #Forcing table format for console output due to issue with multiple output
  #objects that have different layouts
  #Write-Host "---- Database Copy Health Summary ----"
  #$dagdatabaseSummary | ft
  #Write-Host "---- Database Copy Health Details ----"
  #$dagdbcopyReport | ft
  #Write-Host "`r`n---- Server Test-Replication Report ----`r`n"
  #$dagmemberReport | ft
  if ($SendEmail -or $ReportFile)
   $dagreporthtml = $dagsummaryintro + $dagdatabaseSummaryHtml + $dagdetailintro + $databasedetailsHtml + $dagmemberintro + $dagmemberHtml
   $dagreportbody += $dagreporthtml
 $tmpstring = "No DAGs found"
 if ($Log) {Write-LogFile $tmpstring}
 Write-Verbose $tmpstring
 $dagreporthtml = "<p>No database availability groups found.</p>"
### End DAG Health Report
Write-Host $string16
### Begin report generation
if ($ReportMode -or $SendEmail)
 #Get report generation timestamp
 $reportime = Get-Date
 #Create HTML Report
 #Common HTML head and styles
    BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt;}
    H1{font-size: 16px;}
    H2{font-size: 14px;}
    H3{font-size: 12px;}
    TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 8pt;}
    TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; color: #000000;}
    TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }
    td.pass{background: #7FFF00;}
    td.warn{background: #FFE600;}{background: #FF0000; color: #ffffff;}{background: #85D4FF;}
    <h1 align=""center"">Exchange Server Health Check Report</h1>
    <h3 align=""center"">Generated: $reportime</h3>"
 #Check if the server summary has 1 or more entries
 if ($($serversummary.count) -gt 0)
  #Set alert flag to true
  $alerts = $true

  #Generate the HTML
  $serversummaryhtml = "<h3>Exchange Server Health Check Summary</h3>
      <p>The following server errors and warnings were detected.</p>
  foreach ($reportline in $serversummary)
   $serversummaryhtml +="<li>$reportline</li>"
  $serversummaryhtml += "</ul></p>"
  $alerts = $true
  #Generate the HTML to show no alerts
  $serversummaryhtml = "<h3>Exchange Server Health Check Summary</h3>
      <p>No Exchange server health errors or warnings.</p>"

 #Check if the DAG summary has 1 or more entries
 if ($($dagsummary.count) -gt 0)
  #Set alert flag to true
  $alerts = $true

  #Generate the HTML
  $dagsummaryhtml = "<h3>Database Availability Group Health Check Summary</h3>
      <p>The following DAG errors and warnings were detected.</p>
  foreach ($reportline in $dagsummary)
   $dagsummaryhtml +="<li>$reportline</li>"
  $dagsummaryhtml += "</ul></p>"
  $alerts = $true
  #Generate the HTML to show no alerts
  $dagsummaryhtml = "<h3>Database Availability Group Health Check Summary</h3>
      <p>No Exchange DAG errors or warnings.</p>"

 #Exchange Server Health Report Table Header
 $htmltableheader = "<h3>Exchange Server Health</h3>
      <th>Uptime (hrs)</th>
      <th>Client Access Server Role Services</th>
      <th>Hub Transport Server Role Services</th>
      <th>Mailbox Server Role Services</th>
      <th>Unified Messaging Server Role Services</th>
      <th>Transport Queue</th>
      <th>PF DBs Mounted</th>
      <th>MB DBs Mounted</th>
      <th>MAPI Test</th>
      <th>Mail Flow Test</th>
 #Exchange Server Health Report Table
 $serverhealthhtmltable = $serverhealthhtmltable + $htmltableheader    
 foreach ($reportline in $report)
  $htmltablerow = "<tr>"
  $htmltablerow += "<td>$($reportline.server)</td>"
  $htmltablerow += "<td>$($</td>"
  $htmltablerow += "<td>$($reportline.roles)</td>"
  $htmltablerow += "<td>$($reportline.version)</td>"    
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "dns")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "ping")
  if ($($reportline."uptime (hrs)") -eq "Access Denied")
   $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">Access Denied</td>" 
        elseif ($($reportline."uptime (hrs)") -eq $string17)
            $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$string17</td>"
   $hours = [int]$($reportline."uptime (hrs)")
   if ($hours -le 24)
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$hours</td>"
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$hours</td>"
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "Client Access Server Role Services")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "Hub Transport Server Role Services")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "Mailbox Server Role Services")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "Unified Messaging Server Role Services")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "Transport Queue")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "PF DBs Mounted")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "MB DBs Mounted")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "MAPI Test")
  $htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "Mail Flow Test")
  $htmltablerow += "</tr>"
  $serverhealthhtmltable = $serverhealthhtmltable + $htmltablerow
 $serverhealthhtmltable = $serverhealthhtmltable + "</table></p>"
 $htmltail = "</body>
 $htmlreport = $htmlhead + $serversummaryhtml + $dagsummaryhtml + $serverhealthhtmltable + $dagreportbody + $htmltail

 if ($ReportMode -or $ReportFile)
  $htmlreport | Out-File $ReportFile -Encoding UTF8
 if ($SendEmail)
  if ($alerts -eq $false -and $AlertsOnly -eq $true)
   #Do not send email message
   Write-Host $string19
   if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string19}
   #Send email message
   Write-Host $string14
   Send-MailMessage @smtpsettings -Body $htmlreport -BodyAsHtml -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
### End report generation

Write-Host $string15
if ($Log) {Write-Logfile $string15}

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