Wednesday, October 2, 2013


#requires -version 2
Get-DailyBackupAlerts.ps1 - Exchange 2010 Database Backup Alert Script
Checks the backup timestamps for the servers
and alerts if a database hasn't been backed up
No inputs required, however you should modify the SMTP options to suit your environment.
Sends an HTML email if databases are detected without
a backup for more than the specified number of hours.
Tip: Run as a scheduled task to generate the alerts automatically
Written By: Paul Cunningham
Additional Credits: Chris Brown
Change Log
V1.00, 10/11/2011 - Initial version
V1.01, 23/10/2012 - Bug fixes and minor improvements
V1.02, 30/10/2012 - Bug fix with alertflag
V1.03, 11/01/2013 - Many code improvements, more comments, archive mailboxes now counted, and added
     option to always send the report regardless of number of alerts.
param (
 [Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]
# Modify these SMTP settings to suit
# your environment
$smtpServer = ""
$smtpFrom = ""
$smtpTo = ""

# Modify these alert thresholds to
# suit your needs
#You can set a different alert threshold for Mondays
#to account for weekend backup schedules
$day = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek
if ($day -eq "Monday")
 [int]$threshold = 48
 [int]$threshold = 24
Write-Verbose "Threshold for this check is $threshold hours"
# If you wish to exclude databases
# from the report add them here
#Example: $excludedbs = @("database1","database2")
$excludedbs = @()

# Initialization
#Add Exchange 2010 snapin if not already loaded
if (!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name -eq "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010"}))
 Write-Verbose "Loading Exchange 2010 Snapin"
 Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Verbose "Initializing variables"
$report = @()
$alertdbs = @()
$okdbs = @()
[bool]$alertflag = $false
#Current time is used in alert calculations
$now = [DateTime]::Now
Write-Verbose "Current date/time is $now"
Write-Verbose "Retrieving list of mailboxes for use in mailbox count later"
$mailboxes = $(Get-Mailbox -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize Unlimited)

# Script
#Get all Mailbox and Public Folder databases
Write-Verbose "Retrieving database list"
$dbs = @(Get-MailboxDatabase -Status -IncludePreExchange2010 | Where {$_.Recovery -ne $true})
if ($dbs)
 Write-Verbose "$($dbs.count) mailbox databases found"
 Write-Verbose "No mailbox databases found"
$pfdbs = @(Get-PublicFolderDatabase -Status)
Write-Verbose "$($pfdbs.count) public folder databases found"
if ($pfdbs)
 $dbs += $pfdbs
 Write-Verbose "$($dbs.count) total databases found"
 Write-Verbose "No mailbox databases found"
#If a list of excluded databases exists, remove them from $dbs
if ($excludedbs)
 Write-Verbose "Removing excluded databases from the checks"
 $tempdbs = $dbs
 $dbs = @()
 foreach ($tempdb in $tempdbs)
  if (!($excludedbs -icontains $tempdb))
   Write-Verbose "$tempdb included"
   $dbs = $dbs += $tempdb
   Write-Verbose "$tempdb excluded"
#Check each database for most recent backup timestamp
foreach ($db in $dbs)
 Write-Verbose "---- Checking $($ ----"
 $lastbackup = @{}
 [int]$ago = $null
 if ( $db.LastFullBackup -eq $null -and $db.LastIncrementalBackup -eq $null)
  #No backup timestamp was present. This means either the database has
  #never been backed up, or it was unreachable when this script ran
  $lastbackup.time = "Never/Unknown"
  $lastbackup.type = "Never/Unknown"
  [string]$ago = "Never/Unknown"
 elseif ( $db.LastFullBackup -lt $db.LastIncrementalBackup )
  #Most recent backup was Incremental
  $lastbackup.time = $db.LastIncrementalBackup
  $lastbackup.type = "Incremental"
  [int]$ago = ($now - $lastbackup.time).TotalHours
  [int]$ago = "{0:N0}" -f $ago
 elseif ( $db.LastIncrementalBackup -lt $db.LastFullBackup )
  #Most recent backup was Full
  $lastbackup.time = $db.LastFullBackup
  $lastbackup.type = "Full"
  [int]$ago = ($now - $lastbackup.time).TotalHours
  [int]$ago = "{0:N0}" -f $ago
 Write-Verbose "Last backup of $($ was $($lastbackup.type) on $($lastbackup.time), $ago hours ago"
 #Determines the database type (Mailbox or Public Folder)
 if ($db.IsMailboxDatabase -eq $true) {$dbtype = "Mailbox"}
 if ($db.IsPublicFolderDatabase -eq $true) {$dbtype = "Public Folder"}
 #Report data is collected into a custom object
 $dbObj = New-Object PSObject
 if ( $dbtype -eq "Public Folder")
  #Exchange 2007/2010 Public Folder databases are only associated with a server
  $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Server/DAG" -Value $db.Server
  [string]$mbcount = "n/a"
  #Exchange 2007/2010 Mailbox databases can be associated with a server or DAG
  if ($db.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup)
   $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Server/DAG" -Value $db.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup
   $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Server/DAG" -Value $db.ServerName
  #Mailbox count calculated for Mailbox Databases, including Exchange 2010 Archive mailboxes
  [int]$mbcount = 0
  [int]$mbcount = ($mailboxes | Where-Object {$_.Database -eq $($}).count
        [int]$archivecount = 0
        [int]$archivecount = ($mailboxes | Where-Object {$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $($}).count
        [int]$mbcount = $mbcount + $archivecount

 $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Database" -Value $
 $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Database Type" -Value $dbtype

 #Check last backup time against alert threshold and set report status accordingly
 if ( $ago -gt $threshold -or $ago -eq "Never")
  $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value "Alert"
  [bool]$alertflag = $true
  Write-Verbose "Alert flag is $alertflag"
  $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value "OK"

 $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mailboxes" -Value $mbcount
 $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Last Backup Type" -Value $lastbackup.type
 $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Hrs Ago" -Value $ago
 $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Time Stamp" -Value $lastbackup.time
 $dbObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Currently Running" -Value $db.backupinprogress
 #Add the custom object to the report
 $report = $report += $dbObj
#All databases have now been checked
Write-Verbose "$($report.count) total databases checked"
$alertdbs = @($report | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Alert"})
$okdbs = @($report | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "OK"})
#Send the email if there is at least one alert, or if -AlwaysSend is set
if (($alertflag -and $alertdbs) -or ($alwayssend))
 Write-Verbose "Alert email will be sent"

 #HTML styles for nice formatting of the email
 $style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"
 $style = $style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"
 $style = $style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #333333; padding: 5px; color: #FFFFFF;}"
 $style = $style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }"
 $style = $style + "</style>"
 #Summarise databases with Alert status
 if ($alertdbs)
  $totalalerts = $alertdbs.count
  $alertintro = "The following databases have not been backed up in the last $threshold hours.<BR><BR>"
  $alerthtml = $alertdbs | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
  $totalalerts = 0
 #Summarise databases with OK status
 if ($okdbs)
  Switch ($totalalerts) {
   0 { $okintro = "The following databases have been backed up in the last $threshold hours.<BR><BR>" }
   default { $okintro = "<BR><BR>The following databases have been backed up in the last $threshold hours.<BR><BR>" }
  $okhtml = $okdbs | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
  $okintro = "<BR><BRThere are no databases that have been backed up in the last $threshold hours.<BR><BR>"
 Write-Verbose "Report summary: Alerts $totalalerts, OK $($okdbs.count)"
 #Set some additional content for the email report
 $intro = "This is the Exchange database backup status for the last $threshold hours.<BR><BR>"
 Switch ($totalalerts)
  1 {
   $messageSubject = "Daily Check - Exchange Database Backups ($totalalerts alert)"
   $summary = "There is <strong>$totalalerts</strong> database backup alert today.<BR><BR>"
  default {
   $messageSubject = "Daily Check - Exchange Database Backups ($totalalerts alerts)"
   $summary = "There are <strong>$totalalerts</strong> database backup alerts today.<BR><BR>"

 $outro = "<BR><BR>You can place your own instructional text here or perhaps a link to your procedure for responding to backup alerts."
 #Get ready to send email message
 $message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtpfrom, $smtpto
 $message.Subject = $messageSubject
 $message.IsBodyHTML = $true
 $message.Body = ConvertTo-Html -Body "$intro $summary $alertintro $alerthtml $okintro $okhtml $outro" -Head $style
 #Send email message
 Write-Verbose "Sending email report"
 $smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
Write-Verbose "Finished."

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